
Welcome to the brooknet (, or, or whatever other IP address I have chosen) home page! I'm so lazy that I didn't even bother to create my own page, but just modified the Debian Apache 2 example page. Also, there's nothing here at present - just this page. I may add other stuff later. In days long gone, I had a lot of software here - stuff for the Sharp Zaurus and other handhelds. I'm still much into my handheld tech, but mobile phones arrived and now that you can have the power of a supercomputer in your pocket, it didn't seem so important for me to maintain stuff for old devices.

Where am I?

I currently live in Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom of Britain and Wales and Scotland and Northern Ireland (why don't we just call it 'Ukobawasani'?)


Hello to Ben, Dom, Mike, Dan, Rich T., Rich R., and I'm sure that I've missed someone out.

Reporting Problems

What problems? There aren't any problems here! If you see one, please tell me about it. I may then take a very long time to do something. Just call me on (+44) 114 322 3493 and leave a message, or on a rare occasion, I might actually answer the phone. You may also eel-mail me at tenkoorb at pami dot cc - please reverse the order of the letters in each emboldened word, and replace 'at' with an 'at' sign, and 'dot' with a full stop. This is the usual anti-spam measure. I get a lot of spam and I don't think that me doing this makes any difference at all: spambots are smart.

Here's the original Apache example page. Once you're there, click your web browser's back button to return to this page. That is, if you want to. I also arksed ChatGPT to create a webpage for me, and it did! Here it is.